8 Best Breakfast Buys At Whole Foods For Weight Loss

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1. Steel-Cut Oats 

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Steel-cut oats are a whole grain option rich in fiber, which helps promote a feeling of fullness. Top them with fresh fruit, nuts, or seeds for added flavor and nutrients. 

2. Greek Yogurt 

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Greek yogurt is high in protein, which can help keep you satisfied throughout the morning. Choose plain, unsweetened varieties and add your own fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey for sweetness. 

3. Chia Seeds 

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Chia seeds are a great source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. Mix them with yogurt or milk to create a satisfying and nutrient-dense pudding or add them to smoothies. 

4. Avocado 

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Avocado is a nutrient-rich option that provides healthy monounsaturated fats. Spread sliced avocado on whole-grain toast or incorporate it into a savory breakfast bowl. 

5. Eggs 

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Eggs are a high-quality protein source and can be prepared in various ways. Consider making a vegetable omelet, poached eggs on whole-grain toast, or a veggie-packed scramble. 

6. Whole-Grain Bread 

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Opt for whole-grain bread for your toast or sandwich. Whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients compared to refined grains, helping you stay full longer. 

7. Fresh Berries 

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Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are low in calories and high in antioxidants and fiber. Add them to your yogurt, oatmeal, or enjoy them on their own. 

8. Nut Butter 

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Choose natural nut butters, such as almond or peanut butter, as they contain healthy fats and protein. Spread them on whole-grain toast or add a spoonful to your smoothies for extra creaminess. 

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