8 common mistakes we make while eating fruits

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1. Overconsumption of Dried Fruits 

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Dried fruits often contain concentrated sugars and can be high in calories. Eating large quantities can lead to excessive sugar intake and contribute to weight gain. Moderation is key when consuming dried fruits.

2. Skipping Whole Fruits for Fruit Juice 

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Fruit juices often lack the fiber content found in whole fruits and can be loaded with added sugars. Opting for whole fruits instead of juice provides more fiber and helps control blood sugar levels. 

3. Not Washing Fruits Properly   

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Fruits can carry pesticides, dirt, or bacteria. Failing to wash them thoroughly before consumption can lead to ingestion of harmful substances or pathogens. Rinse fruits under clean water, scrubbing when necessary.

4. Ignoring Seasonal and Local Fruits 

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Imported fruits may lose some nutrients during transportation and storage. Choosing local and seasonal fruits ensures freshness and maximum nutritional value.

5. Consuming Only Certain Types of Fruits 

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Each fruit offers different nutrients and antioxidants. Limiting oneself to a few types of fruits may result in missing out on various health benefits. Aim for a diverse range of fruits to get a variety of nutrients.

6. Storing Fruits Incorrectly 

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Improper storage can lead to premature spoilage and loss of nutrients. Some fruits should be stored at room temperature, while others belong in the refrigerator. Learn the appropriate storage methods for different fruits to maintain freshness.

7. Not Eating the Fruit Peel or Skin  

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Many fruits contain valuable nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants in their skins or peels. Washing fruits thoroughly and consuming them with the skin on when possible can enhance their nutritional benefits.

8. Eating Fruits at the Wrong Time 

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Eating fruits immediately after a meal can interfere with digestion due to their quick digestion process. It's advisable to consume fruits on an empty stomach or at least 30 minutes before meals to ensure proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

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