8 Creative Ways To Use Food Scraps

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1. Homemade Vegetable Broth    

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Save vegetable scraps like onion peels, carrot ends, celery leaves, and herb stems in a freezer bag. Once you've collected a good amount, simmer them in water to make a flavorful homemade vegetable broth. 

2. Citrus Peel Zest 

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Before discarding citrus peels, zest them and store the zest in the freezer. You can add citrus zest to recipes for a burst of flavor in dishes like salads, baked goods, marinades, or sauces. 

3. Regrowing Vegetables 

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Some vegetable scraps, like the bottoms of green onions, celery, or lettuce heads, can be regrown in water. Place them in a jar with water, and watch new growth appear. You can then plant them in soil for a continuous supply of fresh produce.

4. Fruit Peel Chips 

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Fruit peels such as apple peels or mango skins can be turned into tasty snacks by baking them in the oven until crispy. Sprinkle them with cinnamon or other spices for added flavor. 

5. Herb Infused Oils or Vinegars 

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Use leftover herb stems to infuse oils or vinegars. Place the herb stems in a bottle, fill it with oil or vinegar, and let it sit for a few weeks. The resulting infusion can be used in dressings, marinades, or for flavoring dishes. 

6. Composting 

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If you have a garden or plants, consider composting food scraps. Fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil for gardening. 

7. Homemade Croutons or Breadcrumbs  

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Stale bread or bread ends can be transformed into homemade croutons or breadcrumbs. Cube or process the bread, toss it with olive oil and seasonings, then bake until crispy for croutons. Alternatively, blend dried bread to create breadcrumbs for coating or topping dishes. 

8. Root-to-Stem Cooking   

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Embrace root-to-stem cooking by using the entire vegetable. Broccoli stems, beet greens, and carrot tops can be cooked and used in recipes like stir-fries, soups, or salads. 

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