8 Easy DIY Detox Drinks For Weight Loss And Body Cleansing

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1. Lemon Water 

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Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a glass of water. Lemon is thought to aid digestion and help flush toxins from the body.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Drink 

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Mix 1-2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water. Some believe that apple cider vinegar can support digestion and metabolism.

3. Green Tea Detox Drink 

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Brew green tea and let it cool, then add a squeeze of lemon and a dash of honey for taste. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and may support metabolism.

4. Cucumber and Mint Infused Water 

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Slice cucumbers and add them to water along with fresh mint leaves. Cucumbers are hydrating, and mint may aid digestion.

5. Ginger and Turmeric Tea 

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Brew fresh ginger slices and a pinch of turmeric in hot water. Ginger and turmeric are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Detox Water with Berries 

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Mix fresh berries like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries with water. Berries are high in antioxidants and vitamins.

7. Aloe Vera Juice Blend  

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Mix pure aloe vera juice with water or add it to a smoothie. Aloe vera is believed to have detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects.

8. Detox Smoothie  

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Blend spinach, kale, banana, and a splash of coconut water or almond milk. Leafy greens are packed with nutrients and fiber.

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