8 Flat Face Cat Breeds In 2023

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1. Persian Cat 

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Persians are one of the most well-known and beloved cat breeds with a flat face. They have a distinctive round face, short nose, and long, luxurious coat. 

2. Exotic Shorthair 

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Often referred to as the "shorthaired Persian," the Exotic Shorthair shares many physical characteristics with the Persian but has a short and plush coat. 

3. British Shorthair 

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While not as extreme as some other flat-faced breeds, the British Shorthair has a round face and a dense, plush coat. They are known for their large, round eyes. 

4. Himalayan Cat 

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Himalayans are a breed that shares characteristics with both Persians and Siamese cats. They have a flat face, long fur, and striking blue eyes. 

5. Scottish Fold  

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While the Scottish Fold is known for its folded ears, some individuals may have a slightly flattened facial structure. They are sweet-natured cats with a distinctive appearance. 

6. Munchkin Cat 

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Munchkins are known for their short legs, but some individuals may also have a round face. They come in various coat colors and patterns. 

7. Selkirk Rex 

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Selkirk Rex cats have a distinctive curly coat and may have a somewhat round face. They are known for their affectionate and laid-back personalities. 

8. Napoleon Cat 

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Also known as the "Minuet," the Napoleon cat is a breed developed by crossing Persians with Munchkins. They can have a somewhat flat face and short legs. 

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