8 Foods That Increase Zinc Level In The Body

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1. Shellfish  

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Oysters are one of the best sources of zinc, providing exceptionally high amounts. Other shellfish like crab, shrimp, and mussels also contain significant levels of zinc. 

2. Beef 

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Red meat, particularly beef, is a good source of zinc. Lean cuts like sirloin or tenderloin tend to have higher zinc content. 

3. Poultry    

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Chicken and turkey are decent sources of zinc, particularly in the dark meat and the poultry skin.

4. Legumes  

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Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes contain zinc. However, they also contain phytates that can reduce zinc absorption, so soaking, sprouting, or fermenting them before consumption may help increase zinc absorption.

5. Nuts and Seeds 

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Pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, cashews, and almonds contain zinc. Like legumes, they also contain phytates, but their overall zinc content can contribute to your intake.

6. Dairy  

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Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt can provide zinc, but the zinc absorption may vary based on factors like the presence of other minerals or how the dairy product is processed.

7. Eggs 

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Eggs, particularly the yolk, contain zinc. They are also rich in other nutrients and can be a part of a balanced diet to increase zinc intake.

8. Whole Grains  

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Certain whole grains like wheat, quinoa, oats, and rice contain zinc. However, like legumes and nuts, they also contain phytates that can hinder zinc absorption. 

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