8 Healthy Road Trip Snacks

White Line

1. Trail Mix 

White Line

Make your own trail mix by combining nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews), seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds), dried fruits (raisins, apricots, cranberries), and a few dark chocolate pieces for a balanced and satisfying snack.

2. Fresh Fruit 

White Line

Pack fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, or berries that are easy to eat on the go. They're naturally sweet and loaded with vitamins and fiber. 

3. String Cheese or Cheese Sticks 

White Line

Portion-controlled cheese sticks or slices provide protein and calcium. Pair them with whole-grain crackers for a more filling snack.

4. Veggie Chips or Crisps 

White Line

Make or buy baked vegetable chips (like kale chips, sweet potato chips, or beet chips) for a crunchy, lower-calorie alternative to regular potato chips.

5. Greek Yogurt Cups 

White Line

Individual containers of Greek yogurt offer protein and probiotics. You can sweeten them with a bit of honey or add fresh fruit or granola for extra flavor and texture.

6. Homemade Energy Bars or Bites 

White Line

Prepare homemade energy bars or protein bites using oats, nut butter, seeds, and dried fruits. They're portable, customizable, and provide a quick energy boost.

7. Hummus and Veggie Sticks 

White Line

Pack individual servings of hummus along with sliced carrots, celery, bell peppers, or cucumber for a refreshing and nutritious snack.

8. Rice Cakes with Nut Butter 

White Line

Rice cakes topped with almond butter, peanut butter, or sunflower seed butter offer a crunchy, satisfying snack that's easy to prepare and eat on the road.

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