8 Protein for Weight Loss 

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1. Chicken Breast 

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A lean protein source that's low in fat and high in protein. Grilled, baked, or roasted chicken breast is versatile and can be included in various meals.

2. Fish  

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Fatty fish like salmon are not only rich in protein but also provide healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Grilled or baked fish is a nutritious and filling option.

3. Eggs  

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Eggs are a complete protein source, and consuming them can contribute to feelings of fullness. They can be prepared in various ways, such as boiled, scrambled, or as omelets.

4. Greek Yogurt 

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Greek yogurt is high in protein and lower in sugar compared to regular yogurt. It can be consumed as a snack or used as a base for smoothies or dips. 

5. Cottage Cheese 

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Low in fat and high in protein, cottage cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be eaten on its own, paired with fruit, or added to salads. 

6. Tofu 

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A plant-based protein source that is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Tofu is versatile and can be used in stir-fries, soups, or grilled as a meat substitute. 

7. Beans and Legumes 

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Black beans, lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein and fiber. They can be included in salads, soups, or as a side dish. 

8. Lean Beef 

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Lean cuts of beef, such as sirloin or tenderloin, provide a good amount of protein. Opt for leaner cuts and moderate portions to keep fat intake in check.

Top 8 Vegetables Good for Weight Loss