8 Strangest Hangover Remedies from around the World

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1. Pickle Juice (USA) 

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In the United States, drinking pickle juice is considered a remedy for hangovers. It's believed that the combination of electrolytes and vinegar in pickle juice helps rehydrate and replenish lost nutrients.

2. Tripe Soup (Romania) 

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In Romania, a popular hangover cure is a bowl of "ciorbă de burtă," a tripe soup made from cow stomach. It's believed that the high fat content helps alleviate hangover symptoms.

3. Prairie Oyster (United Kingdom) 

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The Prairie Oyster is a concoction made of raw egg yolk, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, hot sauce, and sometimes a splash of alcohol. It's believed to cure hangovers by replenishing nutrients and providing a spicy kick.

4. Umeboshi (Japan) 

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In Japan, umeboshi, or pickled plums, are used as a remedy for hangovers. The high acidity and salt content are thought to help restore balance and aid in recovery.

5. Sheep's Eyeball Juice (Mongolia) 

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Some Mongolian traditions involve drinking a concoction made from pickled sheep's eyeballs in tomato juice. It's believed to have revitalizing properties.

6. Haejangguk (South Korea) 

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Haejangguk, which translates to "hangover soup," is a spicy beef broth containing vegetables and sometimes congealed ox blood. It's a popular choice in South Korea to ease hangover symptoms.

7. Prairie Chicken (Canada) 

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In parts of Canada, particularly in the prairie regions, people might consume a Prairie Chicken, which is a shot of whiskey mixed with a raw egg and Tabasco sauce, similar to a variation of a Prairie Oyster.

8. Bull Penis (Spain) 

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In certain regions of Spain, particularly in Madrid, it's believed that consuming bull penis can alleviate a hangover. It's typically served grilled or in stews.

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