Top 8 Lean Protein Foods You Should Eat

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1. Chicken Breast 

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Chicken breast is a lean source of protein that is versatile and can be prepared in various ways. It's low in fat and rich in essential amino acids. 

2. Turkey 

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Turkey, especially lean ground turkey or turkey breast, is another excellent source of lean protein. It's a versatile meat that can be used in a variety of dishes. 

3. Fish (Salmon, Tuna, Cod) 

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Fatty fish like salmon provide not only protein but also healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna and cod are also lean fish options that are rich in protein. 

4. Lean Beef (Sirloin, Tenderloin) 

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Lean cuts of beef, such as sirloin or tenderloin, are good sources of protein. Opt for leaner cuts to reduce the overall fat content. 

5. Eggs 

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Eggs are a complete protein source and are rich in essential amino acids. They can be a versatile and affordable addition to your diet. 

6. Greek Yogurt 

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Greek yogurt is higher in protein compared to regular yogurt. It's also a good source of probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health. 

7. Cottage Cheese 

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Cottage cheese is a dairy product that is high in protein and low in fat. It can be a great snack or added to meals for extra protein. 

8. Tofu  

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Tofu is a plant-based protein source made from soybeans. It's versatile and can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Tofu is also a good option for vegetarians and vegans. 

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