8 Breakfast Foods That Will Leave You Hungry & Sluggish

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1. Sugar-laden Cereals  

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Many cereals marketed to children or labeled as "low-fat" or "fat-free" can be high in added sugars and lacking in fiber or protein, leading to a quick rise and fall in energy levels.

2. Sweetened Yogurts 

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Flavored yogurts often contain high amounts of added sugars, which can contribute to rapid spikes in blood sugar and subsequent energy crashes. 

3. White Bread or Pastries  

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Pastries like croissants, muffins, and white bread are made from refined flour, lacking in fiber and nutrients. They can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and leave you feeling hungry soon after eating. 

4. Fruit Juices    

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Many commercial fruit juices contain added sugars and lack the fiber found in whole fruits. Drinking juice alone may result in a quick rise in blood sugar followed by a crash. 

5. Processed Breakfast Meats  

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Bacon, sausages, and certain deli meats are high in unhealthy fats and sodium. They're low in nutrients and may not provide sustained energy. 

6. Flavored Instant Oatmeal 

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Pre-packaged flavored oatmeal often contains high amounts of added sugars and artificial flavorings, lacking the fiber and protein necessary for satiety.

7. Smoothies High in Sugar 

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Smoothies made primarily with fruits, fruit juices, and sweetened yogurts can be high in sugars and low in protein or healthy fats, leading to a quick sugar rush and subsequent energy slump. 

8. Breakfast Bars with High Sugar Content   

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Some granola or cereal bars can be high in added sugars and low in protein or fiber, leading to a temporary energy boost followed by hunger. 

8 Processed Foods That Are Actually Good for You