​8 Dangerous Food Combos You Must Avoid 

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1. Fruits with High-Starch Foods 

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Combining fruits high in natural sugars (e.g., bananas, grapes, or mangoes) with high-starch foods (e.g., potatoes or bread) may lead to fermentation and digestive discomfort due to different digestion rates. 

2. Milk with Citrus Fruits 

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Mixing acidic citrus fruits with milk can cause the proteins in the milk to curdle. This combination may be hard to digest for some people and can lead to stomach upset. 

3. Protein-Rich Foods with Starchy Foods 

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Combining a large amount of protein (e.g., meat or eggs) with a large amount of starchy foods (e.g., pasta or potatoes) may hinder digestion and lead to bloating as different enzymes are required for the digestion of each. 

4. Yogurt with Fruits 

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While yogurt and fruits are both healthy on their own, combining them can result in digestive issues for some people. The mixture of live cultures in yogurt and natural sugars in fruits may cause fermentation and gas. 

5. Melons with Other Fruits 

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Melons digest quickly in the stomach, and combining them with other fruits that take longer to digest can cause fermentation. It's generally advisable to eat melons alone. 

6. High-Protein Foods with Calcium-Rich Foods 

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Eating high-protein foods (e.g., meat) with calcium-rich foods (e.g., dairy products) may interfere with calcium absorption. Oxalates in some vegetables can also bind to calcium. 

7. Alcohol with High-Sugar Mixers 

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Combining alcohol with sugary mixers can lead to rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This combination may also increase the risk of dehydration. 

8. Fruits After a Meal 

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Consuming fruits immediately after a heavy meal may lead to indigestion. Fruits are best eaten on an empty stomach or as a snack between meals. 

Grocery List That Will Help You Manage Your Blood Sugar