8 Foods Rich In Vitamin K    

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1. Leafy Greens 

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Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, and turnip greens are excellent sources of vitamin K. One cup of cooked spinach, for example, can provide over 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K. 

2. Broccoli 

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This cruciferous vegetable is another great source of vitamin K. A cup of cooked broccoli contains a significant amount of vitamin K. 

3. Brussels Sprouts 

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These small, cabbage-like vegetables are rich in vitamin K. They offer a good amount of this nutrient when consumed regularly. 

4. Parsley 

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This herb not only adds flavor to dishes but also contains high levels of vitamin K. Adding parsley to your meals can contribute to your vitamin K intake. 

5. Cabbage 

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Both green and red cabbage are good sources of vitamin K. Incorporating cabbage into your diet can help boost your vitamin K levels. 

6. Asparagus 

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This vegetable is a decent source of vitamin K. Adding asparagus to your meals provides not only taste but also nutritional value. 

7. Green Beans 

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They may not have as much vitamin K as some leafy greens, but green beans still offer a moderate amount of this nutrient. 

8. Prunes 

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Among fruits, prunes stand out as a good source of vitamin K. They also provide other essential nutrients and fiber. 

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