8 High Protein Snacks That Are Healthy and Portable

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1. Jerky  

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Beef, turkey, or even plant-based jerky options offer a portable, protein-rich snack. Look for varieties with lower sodium and minimal additives.

2. Hard-Boiled Eggs 

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Easy to prepare in advance and pack, hard-boiled eggs are a great source of protein and nutrients, making them a convenient on-the-go snack. 

3. Greek Yogurt Cups 

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Greek yogurt is high in protein and often comes in individual serving containers, making it a convenient snack. Pair it with some fruit or nuts for added flavor and nutrients. 

4. Protein Bars 

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There's a wide variety of protein bars available, but be sure to check the ingredients for added sugars and artificial additives. Look for bars with a good balance of protein and fiber. 

5. Cottage Cheese 

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A container of cottage cheese provides a good amount of protein and is portable when packed in a small container. You can add fruits or nuts for extra flavor and nutrients.

6. Tuna Packets 

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Single-serve tuna packets or cans provide a quick and portable protein source. Opt for the ones packed in water for a lower calorie option.

7. Edamame 

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Roasted or steamed edamame pods are a tasty and portable snack that's rich in protein and fiber. They are easy to carry and can be eaten as a snack throughout the day.

8. Nut Butter Packs with Whole Grain Crackers or Fruit 

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Portion-controlled packs of almond butter, peanut butter, or other nut butter varieties can be paired with whole grain crackers or sliced fruits for a balanced and protein-packed snack. 

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