8 High Sugar Fruits To Avoid For Weight Loss

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1. Grapes 

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Grapes are delicious but can be relatively high in sugar, which may impact blood sugar levels and calorie intake. 

2. Cherries 

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While cherries are rich in antioxidants, they are also higher in natural sugars compared to some other fruits. 

3. Mangoes 

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Mangoes are flavorful but contain more natural sugars and calories compared to many other fruits. 

4. Figs 

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Figs are nutritious but have a higher natural sugar content, so portion control is advisable when trying to lose weight. 

5. Pomegranates 

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Pomegranates are nutrient-dense but can be relatively high in natural sugars compared to some other fruits.

6. Bananas 

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Bananas are a healthy fruit but are also higher in natural sugars and carbohydrates, so moderation can be beneficial for weight loss. 

7. Dried Fruits 

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Raisins, dates, dried apricots, and others are concentrated sources of sugar due to the removal of water, leading to higher sugar content per weight.

8. Pineapple 

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Pineapples are delicious but are relatively high in natural sugars compared to many other fruits.

Top 8 Fruits To Eat On Empty Stomach