8 Spices That Will Keep You Warm In Winter

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1. Cinnamon   

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Known for its sweet and warming flavor, cinnamon helps improve blood circulation and can aid in keeping the body warm. It also adds a delightful taste to various dishes, desserts, and beverages. 

2. Ginger  

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A natural heat producer, ginger contains compounds that increase circulation and body warmth. It can be used in teas, soups, stir-fries, or even grated into hot water for a warming drink. 

3. Cayenne Pepper 

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This spicy spice contains capsaicin, which generates heat in the body and boosts metabolism. It can be sprinkled on foods like soups, stews, or hot drinks to add warmth. 

4. Turmeric  

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With its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can help generate heat in the body. Add it to curries, soups, or warm milk for a comforting drink. 

5. Cardamom  

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Known for its aromatic and slightly spicy flavor, cardamom can help warm the body and aid in digestion. It's often used in chai tea, desserts, and savory dishes.

6. Cloves  

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These have a strong, warm, and slightly sweet flavor. Cloves are often used in spice blends and can be added to hot drinks, baked goods, and savory dishes for a comforting warmth. 

7. Black Pepper  

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Notably spicy, black pepper can stimulate circulation and generate heat in the body. It's a versatile spice that can be added to almost any dish for extra warmth and flavor. 

8. Nutmeg 

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This spice has a warm, nutty flavor and can help warm the body. It's often used in baking, beverages like eggnog, and savory dishes like soups or creamy sauces. 

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