How To Make Cinnamon Water For Weight Loss 

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Boil 1 cup water with 1-2 cinnamon sticks/1 tsp ground cinnamon. Optionally, add lemon for flavor. Steep, strain, enjoy warm or cold. 

1. Choose Cinnamon Sticks or Ground Cinnamon 

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You can use either cinnamon sticks or ground cinnamon for making cinnamon water. Cinnamon sticks may infuse more gradually, while ground cinnamon may dissolve faster. 

2. Boil Water 

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Bring one cup of water to a boil. You can use a kettle or a saucepan for this step. 

3. Add Cinnamon 

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If you're using cinnamon sticks, add them directly to the boiling water. If you're using ground cinnamon, you can either add it directly to the boiling water or mix it in later, depending on your preference. 

4. Steep the Cinnamon  

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Allow the cinnamon to steep in the hot water for about 10-15 minutes. This helps extract the flavor and potential health benefits. 

5. Strain (Optional) 

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If you used cinnamon sticks, you may want to strain the water to remove the sticks before drinking. If you used ground cinnamon, you can either strain it or allow the particles to settle at the bottom. 

6. Add Lemon (Optional) 

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For added flavor and potential health benefits, you can squeeze a bit of lemon juice into the cinnamon water or add a few slices of lemon. Lemon is also believed to aid in weight loss and digestion. 

7. Enjoy Warm or Cold 

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You can drink cinnamon water either warm or cold. If you prefer it chilled, allow it to cool before refrigerating. 

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