You Can Eat These 8 Fruits On Keto Diet

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1. Avocado  

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Technically a fruit, avocados are rich in healthy fats and low in net carbs, making them a popular choice for the keto diet. They are versatile and can be eaten on their own, added to salads, or used to make keto-friendly guacamole. 

2. Berries   

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Berries are lower in carbs compared to many other fruits and are packed with fiber and antioxidants. They can be enjoyed in small portions on the keto diet.

3. Coconut 

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Coconut, in various forms like shredded coconut, coconut milk, or coconut oil, is a keto-friendly fruit. It contains healthy fats and is relatively low in carbs.

4. Lemon and Lime 

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While citrus fruits tend to be lower in sugar compared to other fruits, lemons and limes are particularly low in net carbs and can be used to flavor dishes or water.

5. Tomatoes 

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Tomatoes, often classified as fruits, are lower in carbs and can be used moderately in keto-friendly recipes like salads or cooked dishes.

6. Olives 

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These fruits are high in healthy fats and low in carbs, making them a suitable addition to a keto diet, either as a snack or added to dishes.

7. Rhubarb 

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Rhubarb is relatively low in carbs and can be used in keto-friendly recipes, especially in desserts or baked goods when combined with low-carb sweeteners.

8. Starfruit      

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This fruit is unique and contains fewer carbohydrates compared to many other fruits. It can be eaten in moderation on a keto diet.

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